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Christ Canyon Fellowship Shield

We are a congregation of saints gathering near Glacier National Park to delight in and declare

these good words:

The Lord has spoken,
"Christ is King

Who saves sinners
for His glory."


Abundans vita coram deo

Life Abounding Before God

With hearts full of gladness and gratitude to our Lord, we joyfully affirm that sinners are made right with God by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone, to the glory of God alone as proclaimed in the Scriptures alone. In light of this, we stir one another up to increase in holy affections animated by God’s love, increase in holy actions aligned with God’s righteousness, and increase in holy aims oriented toward God’s glory.


Gathering to Worship God

Lord's Day Worship

We gather the first day of the week in honor of our Lord's resurrection from the dead. We gather to worship the One, True, and Living Triune God. We gather at 10am followed by a midday meal.


The Holy Scriptures, as originally given, are the inspired, infallible, and inerrant Word of God. As such, the Bible is the ultimate authority in all matters. When we gather to worship God, we read, sing, pray, and teach His Word.

Prayer & Singing

The Holy Scriptures guide our prayers and singing as we praise the Almighty, forsake our sins, give thanks, plead for help, and consecrate ourselves to God. We love to let joy resound as we sing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs.

Lord's Day & Monthly Psalm Sing Playlists: 

  • Youtube
  • Spotify

Baptism & The Lord's Supper

We follow the Lord's instructions to establish the identity of His Church and maintain Her fellowship through the regular practice of Baptism and the Supper.


Gathering Location

We gather each Lord's Day at 10am

at Christ Canyon Fellowship:

112 3rd Ave S., Martin City, Montana 59926


Connect with us here:

Thanks for submitting!

We are a conservative, reformed, evangelical church near Glacier National Park in Montana, USA. Expositional Preaching. Family. Family-Integrated. Households.

The Canyon, Montana

United States of America

Christ Canyon Fellowship_Circle and Shield.png

Christ Canyon Fellowship  |  Year of Our Lord 2024

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